
Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love Short Review

Inhyun was on her way to the palace for the Royal Wedding. Just in her way near the palace gates she saw Jang Ok Jong who was standing in the crowd staring at her from afar.

On the next day Lee Soon and Inhyun pay their respect to Queen Mother and Queen Dowager.
Queen Mother compliments the newly wed couple but Queen Dowager, points out that they don't seem happy at all.

Queen Inhyun who is back into her room, thinks about what happened earlier when she saw Jang Ok Jung. She then asks Court Lady Joo to bring Jang Ok Jung back in the palace.
Court Lady Joo who was thinking that Jang Ok Jung was dead said it was impossible, that she Inhyun might have mistaken someone to be Jang Ok Jung.
In Hyun insisted that she saw her clearly, then Court Lady Joo said that Jang Ok Jung must not be brought back to the palace since it would bring trouble for Ministry Min.
In Hyun who is puzzled about why would it bring trouble to her father asks if there's something she doesn't know. Court Lady Joo insisted that she can't tell anything for it is a secret she would carry to her grave.

Queen Dowager plans to bring Ok Jung back in the palace.
While Queen Mother who was disappointed after hearing that Lee Soon didn't visit In Hyun's chamber and leaves her alone at night. She then rushes out to make them spend the night together.

On Queen Mother's way to Lee Soon's chamber, she runs into someone who was covering her face. She was suspicious and asks her (Ok Jung) to lower down the cover.
Ok Jung was about to reveal herself when In Hyun came up and met the Queen.
She then have a safe escape as Queen Mother and In Hyun take their way to Lee Soon's room.

Lee Soon hears from his servant about Queen Dowager wanting him to come for a tea. He first declines but in the end gave it a go, for he sense something good will happen.
Jang Ok Jung finally met Lee Soon with the help of Queen Dowager.

On the other hand, Queen Mother and Queen Inhyun arrived at Lee Soon's room, and found out Lee Soon wasn't there. The servant told the Queen that Lee Soon was out for a walk.

Ok Jung and Lee Soon reminisces the old times and Lee Soon confirmed it was Ok Jung and Ok Jung found out it was Lee Soon.
They were overwhelmed with happiness after finding out about such an important encounter of their lives.
Lee Soon then found out that Queen Inhyun already saw Ok Jung on her way to the palace but didn't tell him. And definitely broke her promise.

Inhyun is then called to meet Lee Soon in his room. Inhyun was happy thinking he is finally ready to spend a night with her. Just when In Hyun sited facing Lee Soon, Lee Soon confronted Queen Inhyun and ask her to keep her promise. In Hyun asked which promise. Lee Soon simply replied, "Jang Ok Jung". Lee Soon asked if she found Ok Jung yet. In Hyun in the other hand asks him the same question which Lee Soon replied, "Yes, I found her already. Rather than waiting for In Hyun to find her, Ihave my own means on finding her."
Lee Soon then calls out for Ok Jung, Ok Jung the made her appearance. Ok Jung greeted Queen In Hyun.
Lee Soon then ask In Hyun to fulfill her promise to convince Queen Mother and the minister to give Ok Jung a place for herself in the palace.

On the next day, Ok Jung was then announced as a Special Court Lady.
Despite of Minister Min and Queen Mother opposed, In Hyun insisted that it's her duty to see the needs of her husband.
Ok Jung asks In Hyun if she can choose her own servant, and she choose  Maid Uhm who was the only one good to her when she was still on the seamstress ward.

When In Hyun visited Ok Jung chamber to check on her Lee Soon then arrives saying how much he's going crazy missing Ok Jung without knowing that In Hyun was there.

The awkward moment made In Hyun excuse herself first. Just when In Hyun turned to look at them she saw Lee Soon grabbing Ok Jung to sit on the empty space as he lay his head on Ok Jungs lap.

Lee Soon who keeps on visiting Ok Jung in her room but never did once visit Queen Inhyun's room made his Queen Mother afraid that Ok Jung might get pregnant first.
Queen Mother asked for a medicine that would prevent getting pregnant.
Court Maids from Queen Mothers side then forced Ok Jung out of her room and brought her to the place where Queen Mother is waiting.
Queen Mother then asked the maids to make Ok Jung take the medicine at any cost.

On the other hand, Queen Dowager heard the news about Ok Jung being dragged barefoot, she then made her way to find Ok Jung.
As with Lee Soon who just got to Ok Jung's room which is in mess and empty, got panicked and don't know what to do.

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